For over 35 years, the International Housing Association (IHA) has provided a unique housing policy and solutions forum, bringing together housing sector leaders from countries around the world. The IHA’s growing membership spans nations from six continents and includes both developed and developing countries.
The IHA provides an international forum to address globally significant priority areas identified by member countries. The IHA often publishes Statements of Intent on these priorities, and shares information and solutions related to them through its working groups.
Current IHA priority areas include:
- Housing affordability
- Managing technical building codes for residential construction
- Building information technology
- Addressing the needs of developing countries
- Energy efficiency
- Nonconforming and counterfeit products
- Skilled trade workers
- Social housing
- Global housing economics
The insights gained through IHA membership provide a global context for the housing challenges members face in their own countries. By sharing their information and experience, IHA members are able to implement approaches and solutions at home that have been developed, tested and proven elsewhere.
The IHA also provides economic and issue-specific information and insights to other global organizations with interest in housing, such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, so these organizations have a more robust understanding of the many factors affecting housing and the housing industry around the world. In turn, IHA members benefit from the information and insights provided by these global organizations, which both strengthen members’ knowledge of global markets, and inform domestic policy recommendations and actions.
The IHA chairmanship is currently held by the Housing Industry Association (HIA) – Australia. The National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) serves as the secretariat. Further information regarding the IHA, global housing concerns, and potential solutions identified by IHA members can be found in the IHA Bylaws or by contacting the IHA Secretariat.